Did The Magic Numbers take singing lessons?

Singing journey: The Magic Numbers

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Unlocking the Vocal Harmony of The Magic Numbers

The Magic Numbers, known for their harmonious blend and melodic indie pop, have captivated audiences worldwide. Their journey into music, particularly their vocal training, offers valuable lessons for aspiring singers. While specific details about their personal singing coaches are not publicly disclosed, the band's expertise suggests a background in both natural talent and formal musical education.

Embarking on Your Musical Journey

To emulate The Magic Numbers' vocal harmony, begin with understanding the basics of vocal training. Engaging a singing coach can provide personalized feedback and techniques catered to your unique voice. In lieu of this, online resources and platforms, such as Singing Carrots, offer comprehensive guides and exercises for self-study.

Mastering Harmony and Pitch

Harmony, a hallmark of The Magic Numbers, requires precise pitch control. To improve pitch accuracy, utilize tools like the Pitch Accuracy Test. Also, practicing with a Vocal Pitch Monitor can visually guide you in matching your pitch to a desired note or melody.

Vocal Health and Technique

Maintaining vocal health is essential for any singer. The Magic Numbers, with their extensive touring, undoubtedly prioritize this. Explore practices such as active breathing and warm-up exercises to prevent strain and improve vocal longevity. For inspiration and guidance, consider Vocal Health tips and techniques.

Find Your Unique Voice

While imitating artists can be a useful learning tool, developing your authentic voice is crucial. The Magic Numbers each bring a unique vocal color to the band, blending into their signature sound. Engage with resources like Finding Your Own Authentic Voice to explore and refine your individual sound.

Utilizing Technology

Embrace modern technology in your musical journey. Tools available on Singing Carrots, such as the Song Search feature, allow you to find songs that match your vocal range, helping you practice efficiently and effectively.


While The Magic Numbers' distinct blend of voices and harmonies might seem daunting to replicate, remember that every expert was once a beginner. With dedication, practice, and the right resources, achieving a harmonious sound akin to The Magic Numbers is within your reach. Start your singing journey today and keep the melodies flowing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners